I feel as though I'm stuck in limbo lately. I'm in the midst of my first move and just don't know what to do with myself. Its hard for me to be productive with out making a big mess and mess is the opposite of what i need right now. So I've stopped sewing until I'm in my new place. I know that's silly especially since i just got a new over locker but I just cant be comfortable and in the zone when half my belongings are packed away in boxes.
Instead I've been framing some pics I'd like to hang on my new walls.
This is one of my paintings, I found this frame ages ago and though it a perfect match but never could be bothered to unite the two.
This is a cute little poster I got with an issue of my favorite magazine Frankie.
I have also started on that mask I was ranting about. I think the base is almost finished, I might just bring out the cheeks and brow a little more. Over all I'm quite happy with it so far.
What do you think?
Another crazy idea I've come up with recently is some hand painted brooches and fridge magnets. I just had a little much around the other night and painted these two.
Good idea or bad idea?
I seem to enjoy painstakingly small projects.

Even though Ive stopped sewing for a couple of weeks I'm still planing new garments to create and collecting up new fabrics. I had a quick wander through the local vintage shops and collected up some new fabrics to work with. I have this really cute skirt planned out with little embroidered pockets.
During my browsing I spied this amazing picture hanging on the wall, I had never seen anything as cute before so I just had to buy it. Maybe she can hang up in my new sewing space and inspire me to create delicate little lacy things.
I hope you all have a wonderful week, time for me to get back to packing.